Saturday, July 1, 2023


Avery “Aggie” McAddams


Age:20 years

D.O.B: April 13th

Species: Human

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 127 lbs



Avery didn’t get the chance to know her parents. A plane crash made sure of that. She was only freshly 2 years old at the time and that being the case, she doesn’t remember much from that time. It’s been her and her sister, Alissa for as long as she could remember.

She sometimes wonders what it would’ve been like to have a whole family. Would school have been better? Maybe she wouldn’t have had to see her aunt and her sister argue. Maybe her sister wouldn’t have been kicked out at 18 years and forced to take drastic measures to keep them both off the streets.

She doesn’t know, honestly. However, it hasn’t kept her from trying. With her sister’s encouragement and support and her own brand of stubborn determination, she was able to make it through school and eventually, her first interview and jobs.

Upon graduation, Avery took on more hours to make some money for herself. At the time, she had aspirations of going to college, but they eventually fizzled, giving way to the desire to just find a home where she and her sister were safe.

During that time as well, Avery also found herself playing games in her free time. When she began recording the experience to put on the internet for others to see knew she’d found something she'd enjoy for a very long time. After some wavering here and there, her hobby would blossom into a streaming career. It’s not easy, but it’s fun enough to keep her there through the challenges of the task.

Physical Description

Avery is a diminutive woman with almond brown skin, deep brown (black) eyes, and short raven locks, the longest of which reach the base of her neck. At the front of her pixie cut rests a small strip of red hair, dyed by Avery herself.

She is often seen wearing dark clothes coupled with dark makeup and accessories like collars and wristbands. Her chosen makeup includes eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick and nail polish. She is most often wearing a graphic tee and shorts or a skirt. If it’s not too hot out, she’ll wear pants as well. Dresses are for formal occasions only, as otherwise, she’d constantly worry about it blowing up in the wind or getting snagged on something.






Spells: With the help of the witch hat, Avery gained the power to cast spells. She only knows a few and does even fewer of them correctly, but she’s made it her mission to learn more over time.

Pepper spray: She has pepper spray and she’s not afraid to use it!

Judo: She took self-defense classes with her sister and she’s still got the moves. In fact, they spar every now and then when normal exercise just doesn’t seem all that fun.

Eating: She may be small, but she eats A LOT. Fast metabolism…

Other Details

Avery is often found in the basement streaming games to a fairly large audience when she isn’t practicing magic or sparring with her sister. It’s her passion and she considers it a wonderful privilege to be able to do it for a living.

Avery is the younger sister of the two sisters and she’s very much adored by her older sibling, Alissa.

Keiichi (Prime)

Keiichi Yamamoto(Prime)


Age: 19 years

D.O.B: September 28th

Species: Human

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 169 lbs



- Keiichi is the neighbor of Sawyer’s adoptive family.

Physical Description

Keiichi is a slightly tanned, freckled, muscular red-headed male with brown eyes and a timid smile. His hair is short and fluffy with quite the abundance of cowlicks present.


-Strange looking watch


-Dog treats

-Random bolts and screws

-Car keys

-Credit card

-Reading glasses

-I.D./Driver’s license


Slash:He has a sword that he knows how to use very well.

“Teleportation”: He’s a man of science and as such, he has his science project, the odd looking watch, with him. It helps him do disappearing acts.

Close quarters fighting: He didn’t only train to fight using a sword.

Other Details

- Keii was part of another story where he was the MC. I may try to pick it up again sometime.


Keiichi Yamamoto(AU)


Age:22 years

D.O.B: September 28th



Weight: 156 lbs



AU Keiichi’s first appearance is canonically at a shady bar downtown. He got caught up in a robbery gone wrong as he loitered and caused a slight public disturbance, much to the amusement of the other bar-goers.

AU Keiichi was born in a large city in a relatively safe area to a mom and dad who weren’t really the best for each other. Needless to say, it wasn’t really a surprise when they divorced. However, it was a pretty cruel turn of events for both, Keiichi and his younger brother, Akihito. Upon the departure of their father, Their mother having received sole custody of them, Ms. Yamamoto became very abusive to her eldest son.

This was devastating for Keiichi, but what made things worse was the revelation that he wasn’t completely straight. After being caught kissing another male student on school grounds, his life descended further into a pit of despair and deeper loneliness.

His mother found this revelation to be something new to bully him over.

More isolated and lonely than ever, Keiichi started to seek camaraderie elsewhere. Thankfully, but possibly unluckily so, he found that closeness with the wrong crowd.

Surprisingly, they were pretty accepting of him, and even showed him the ropes about how to go about living in the streets and make money he desperately needed at the time.

By the time Keiichi made it to high school, he’d been in trouble with just about every authority that counted. He learned, however, becoming trickier and more cunning, able to talk himself and even other people out of tight spots.

Keiichi became valued for his silver tongue, cunning, and pilfering skills and eventually, he broke from his original gang of miscreants to form his own, along with a friend.

During this time, he dropped out of school and on a sadder note, saw his dying father for the last time in a hospital. He came to learn of his father’s disapproval for his lifestyle and further disdain for how he had not endured his mother’s abuse in the way he saw fit.

This upset Keiichi, but more upset awaited him as he soon came to find that he’d been locked out of his own home by his mom.

Having suspected that this day would come however, he’d prepared in advance and this was what set him up to take a trip, stowing away on a ferry with his best friend to cross to the other side of the city to start recruiting for some shady business dealings of their own.

It seems he was born to become a scourge of the city.

Physical Description

AU Keiichi is a pale, freckled, lean, red-headed male with brown eyes and a smile like a shark might have. His hair is a brighter, more artificial shade of red as he likes to dye it. His head is also shaved on one side, leaving a cascade of bright red fluff down the left side of his head. He is often seen wearing some of the most outrageous fits known to man.




-Flask of alcohol

-MP3 player

-Car keys

-Fake I.D.


Stab/cut:He has a knife with him at all times and isn’t afraid to use it.

Evasion:He’s quick and light on his feet. Blink or fall for one of his distractions and he may just slip away with whatever he took from you.

Trickery/cunning:He’s got a silver tongue and a knack for lies and tricks. His smartassery has gotten him into lots of trouble, but it’s also gotten him out of it as well.

Pilfer/burgle:He’s a criminal, he steals things (usually from other criminals, but civilians aren’t exempt). It’s what he does.

Other Details

-He ALWAYS has a quarter on him. He doesn’t leave home without it and often uses it to his advantage.


Mako Kawahara


Age: Appears as a 19 year old human female - They’re ancient

D.O.B: Unknown

Species: Unknown/ shapeshifter

Height: 6’0” - any

Weight: Unknown



Unknown. They’ve been around longer than humanity has…in theory.

Physical Description

Mako most often appears as a tall, thin, and pale young woman with long brown hair and round glasses. Behind the lenses, are a pair of gray-green irises, cold and empty.


-Dead animal of some sort

-Lost coins and other lost trinkets


Shapeshifting: Mako can change her appearance at will,matching that of those they wish to impersonate. They cannot, however do the same with their voice

Lure: Mako can and will mimic certain scents, or sounds in order to lure prospective prey to themselves, human or animal. They can even mimic the smell of food.

Other Details



Octavia Faye Jones


Age: 23 years

D.O.B: November 20th

Species: Human

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 135 lbs



As a young girl, Octavia moved around quite a bit with her parents and sister as they traveled the world. While she did enjoy this quite a bit, it left her feeling awfully isolated. She was at a loss when it came to making and keeping friends.

As a result of this, she took to caring for and even keeping a few animals for herself. It was out of this, that her love for animals bloomed, putting her on the path to furthering her knowledge on animal behaviors and biology later down the line.

In the meantime, she began to make small informative videos about the creatures she came across during her family's travels. As time passed, she became better at what she did, gaining lots of attention along the way. This led to offers of sponsorships and even roles in nature documentaries. These opportunities made her quite the chunk of change and this only increased once she was given the chance to try her hand at having her very own nature-based show.

Physical Description

Octavia can best be described as a tall black woman with dark brown hair and green eyes. She’s often seen in colorful clothes with some kind of graphics on them. However, she isn’t opposed to wearing more formal things, especially at work events.


-Credit Card

-Marty’s Smoothie shop membership card


-Keychain alarm


-Car keys


Taser: When in danger, she uses her taser. It’s absolutely electrifying.

Sweet talk: This lady has a silver tongue and while she rarely uses it for evil, she does know how to get her way with it.

Organization: Her organization skills are something to behold, superhuman, even!

Other Details

- She’s got two sisters, Marlene (older), and a younger one, Shana.

- She speaks French and a little bit of German in addition to English.




Age: 136 years (36 in human years)

D.O.B: April 9th

Species: Anthropomorphic bear

Height: 9’0”

Weight: 359 lbs



Physical Description

Opal is a ruggedly built anthropomorphic brown bear woman with long brunette curls that cascade down her back. Her eyes are often covered by her bangs and sometimes, she even tucks her ears beneath her hair as well. She wears a white toga at times and other times, she wears a graphic tee and jeans lovingly made larger with a little bit of her loving wife’s magic.


-Berries and nuts

-Homemade lunch from her loving wife, Stessie

-Bow and arrows

-Bucket(of fish)


Maul: She has big paws and big claws, ‘cause she’s a bear

Bite: It’s rare that she bites someone, but if she does, it’s a crushing feeling, literally

Crush: Speaking of crushing, she’s strong, so a hit from this lady is definitely going to break some bones if you aren’t built sturdy and strong

Other Details





Age: Ancient

D.O.B: Unknown

Species: Demon

Height: 6’1-any

Weight: 191 lbs



Renard has been around a long time…a very long time yet, he never tires of toying with the humans and other creatures in the universe.

As far as he knows, he wasn’t born, he just was at some point and continued to be from then on.

Apparently, his being wasn’t much appreciated by other demons and this, though puzzling for him, was what he came to be used to.

Eventually though, it gets boring pissing off others who already hate and despise you, so he decided to scare creatures who had no idea he existed.

Every now and then, he comes to Earth to do just that and discover other pleasures as well.

Physical Description

When he isn’t in some other form or just a menacing shadow in the corner of someone’s open closet, this guy still appears far from human. Sporting a long mane of raven hair, red eyes, a long tail, claws, fangs, and an alabaster complexion to see his black veins beneath. Renard (not his real name)stands at 6 feet and one inch. He has not just one, but two pairs of arms so even if his victims can’t grasp the situation they’re in, he can still grasp them.




Pyrokinesis: He can grab control of any flame he wishes, be it a raging forest fire, a small candle on someone’s nightstand, or the fires of Hell itself

Purveyor of paranoia: He’s a colossal fan of bringing hallucinations to the humans of earth, even animals if he really feels like stirring up trouble…

Shapeshifting: He could be anything or anyone, though, he feels his original form is best

Laceration: Demon claws - yikes

Strength: He’s a muscly guy with demon strength. Better to rip you in half with, my dear.

Speed: Running away is best unless you know how to outsmart him. Sadly, running isn’t always very effective against his speed.

Other Details

-He's a demon.


Sawyer Montclair

(She/her, They/them)

Age: 23 years

D.O.B: September 12th

Species: Human/Kemonomimi

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 153 lbs



Sawyer’s first appearance is as a stripper in a deceptively fancy looking nightclub. As she dances, she spots another character from across the room, recognition flashing in both their eyes before she takes another turn around the pole and finds that they’ve left.

Her backstory itself is a long one however, her first years being relatively peaceful before her mother became confusingly hostile and decided to use her for medical testing with a little magic in the mix. From ages 6 to 13, she spent the time being slowly turned into a reptilian monster. By the time she’d escaped, she was barely recognizable and horrified by her own appearance. Had she not found people willing to take her in, she surely would’ve died or spent her years in the woods as a monster.

With good will from those who found her, Sawyer was mostly cured of her affliction, keeping only a few scars, scales, and permanently white hair.

Eventually, her time in college led her to taking up stripping as a way to earn money for tuition and other needs.

Physical Description

Sawyer is a slightly taller than average woman with an hourglass or slight pear-shaped figure.

At first, she sports a long ponytail but after a near deadly encounter with a mythical creature, she lobs it off, wanting to forget it having been part of the problem during the attack.

She starts out looking mostly human however, after some time and quite a heap of stress, she grows her tail and some scales back.

She currently has a crocodile tail, fangs, clawed forearms, slit irises, a long split tongue, and short white hair.




-Credit card

-(Early)Alcohol of some sort


-Note from a friend


Strength: Her mother’s tinkering left her stronger than most humans, so she can lift a little more than others can, within reason, of course.

Scratch/claw: She’s got claws that can turn flesh into hamburger meat.

Tail swipe: Rarely will she use her tail to attack, that hurts a bit, actually, but in a pinch, she won’t hesitate to swing the heavy appendage to knock someone off balance.

Venomous bite: Though her venom can kill, she’s more likely to use it to paralyze instead.

Other Details

- Want to bribe her? Give her lemon flavored things! She finds it very hard to resist those.

- Sometimes, her lizard brain and the combined effects of trauma from her childhood lead to impaired judgment on her part. This has made it difficult to trust herself at times.

- Rarely does she bite to kill, often it’s just to paralyze. However, there is an amount of venom she can dispense that will result in sexual arousal for the “victim”.


Stessie Naera


Age: 132 years (32 in human years)

D.O.B: October 15th



Weight:146 lbs



Born to two loving, but separated parents, Stessie was raised mostly by her father. With him being such a skillful man she quickly picked up quite a few of his skills in magic, archery, and the arts.

In the periods of time where she was watched over by her mother, Stessie learned to play the harp, forage, hunt, cook, carve wooden sculptures, and tend to animals. This is where she learned that she could communicate with the creatures all around her, big and small. This delighted her mother, who herself has a fondness for animals and nature. With the love and support of her family, Stessie grew into a kind, gentle,skilled, and knowledgeable woman.

When she felt the time was right, Stessie wished her mother and father a farewell and set out to explore the world for herself.

After some time, quite a few small traveling mishaps, and lots of photos from her adventures, she made a home of her own. Residing in a fairly sizable cabin in a wooded area, Stessie would eventually meet Opal, her now wife.

Every year now, she visits her mother and father, bringing Opal along. Despite the initial shock when Stessie brought her dear 9 foot tall bear woman home, Stessie’s parents were quick to accept Opal as their daughter in law. In fact, they’ve come to enjoy Opal’s company as much as they do, Stessie’s.

Physical Description

Stessie is a pale, slightly chubby, blonde elf with a friendly look to her. Her hair is often in ringlets, even when it’s tied back. Though she lives in the woods, it doesn’t stop her from wearing dresses and earrings as though she is going to attend a formal event of some sort. To be fair, she claims they’re tough to damage. The only time she changes these for something a bit more fitting to the environment is when she’s hunting. Can’t have them slowing her down!


-Bow and arrows

-Bag of dried fruit



Magic:Stessie is able to cast spells and perform plant-based magic

Agility: She moves quickly and gracefully and this goes double in wooded areas.

Critter whisperer:Stessie is able to tune into the thoughts and feelings of animals she meets. It’s not direct communication, per se, but it’s the next best thing.

Archery:Stessie was taught how to use a bow and arrow by her father. She has retained this skill for many years and often participates in archery contests back home as well as on earth.

Other Details

- Stessie has top tier baking skills and for a while, she owned a bakery in town to earn money for her home in the woods.


Ursula Krauss


Age: Appears to be in Mid to late 20s

D.O.B: Unknown

Species: Celestial


Weight:151 lbs



Ursula arrives on Earth funnily enough, on the night of Halloween. Though she is mistaken for a trick-or-treater at first, she is eventually seen for the threat that she is.

Incensed at the pilfering of her celestial home, Ursula tears up a tiny town in search of the man who stole a piece of her technology.

Physical Description

Ursula appears as a young adult woman in her mid to late 20s. She wears her magenta hair in two low set ponytails and is often seen wearing a short white dress with thigh high white boots. An eyepatch sits where her left eye should be, suggesting that her left eye no longer occupies its place in her head. On her forehead sits a horn, much like a unicorn’s and on top of her head are two small bear ears.





Slice:Ursula is very skilled with her scythe/ax combo and won’t hesitate to cut someone down, should they get in her way.

Heavenly beam: When threatened and without her weapons,Ursula is able to call down the light of the nearest star to temporarily blind her opponent.

Nimble: Ursula is not the fastest there is (she's still pretty fast, though), but she is very graceful and knows how to move well when in an area that is dangerous to traverse. One could say she has a bit of a sense for particularly dangerous areas.

Other Details

-She has little interest in humans and their conventions and affairs.



(He/him - it)

Age: Unknown

D.O.B: Unknown

Species: Celestial

Height: 3’3” (99cm)

Weight: 31 lbs



Though not much is known about him, it isn’t hard to guess that Xerxes is a celestial being. That is, he’s not from Earth or any other known planet for that matter. His body is composed of light and yet to be discovered materials not found on Earth. Let’s just say the folks at Area 51 would gain quite a bit by dissecting this little gremlin.

Xerxes arrived on Earth when Ursula made her way there to reclaim a piece of stolen tech.

His arrival was observed by several people at a theater where a ballet was taking place. No one believes said people however, despite a string of strange occurrences caught on camera at the theater in question during the period of time described. This incident was chalked up to a combination of coincidence and a shared hallucination brought on by a small carbon monoxide leak discovered soon after the events and subsequent evacuation of the building.

Physical description

Xerxes appears as a short, chubby, pink, and slightly fuzzy little creature. He is usually seen wearing a small red-accented sailor suit, complete with little red boots on his feet and a large bow at his neck.

Upon first seeing him, one would not be alone in mistaking Xerxes for a small child in a rabbit costume. However, upon seeing his “face” it’s easy to figure out that this isn’t a costumed child, and is in fact, a little monster with only a mouth full of sharp red teeth for a face. If one carefully observes, however, it may become clear that this creature is able to see quite well. The stars that surround him are not just beautiful decor, but also, his way of seeing the world around him.


-Sickeningly pink knife (can cut just about anything as far as we know)



Speed: He is fast, very fast, and nearly indestructible. He may look silly, but he can be quite the formidable opponent if seriously challenged.

Bite: Serrated teeth: You don’t see the jagged edges until you get close and by then, it’s too late. A bite from this little guy could lead to a serious hamburger meat look in the affected area

Blinding: When cornered, he can brighten his eyes to blinding levels of brilliance, blinding his attacker

Stab/cut: Usually, he only uses the knife to cut space, but sometimes, he uses it on attackers. If you thought a regular knife was bad, wait til you get a feel of this one.

Digital invisibility: Being a celestial, Xerxes will not often show up on digital or CCTV cameras. The best way to capture a photo of him would be via a disposable or instant camera.

Other Details

- It isn’t known whether or not Xerxes is able to speak like a human being might. It’s assumed that he can’t due to the fact that he’s only ever made machine noises in order to communicate. He often sounds like a fax machine or printer and so far, only other celestials are able to understand him.

- Giving Xerxes candy is the surest way to get on his good side. He may even grant a wish for you if he deems you worthy. However, choose your words wisely as he also has a little bit of a twisted sense of humor and loves to play tricks.


This was almost a selfcest fic lol XD

Premise: AU Keiichi and Keiichi have a little heart-to-heart (or something like that) after he catches Keiichi crossdressing using Sawyer...