Q: Why did you start this blog?
A: I've wanted to write about my characters for a long time and if I can't make one big tale, I figure I could at least try short stories. Plus, I get to post art too if I want. I'm hoping this will be a growth experience for me and some fun for myself and readers alike.
Q: Can I find your work anywhere else?
A: Yes! I may write explicit stuff here, but I won't post explicit visual art here. Please check out my Linktr.ee if you're interested in seeing my potentially spicier visual works. The pepper emojis indicate the level of "problematic"-ness.
Q: Why is there no Paypal link in your "Support me" tab?/Do you use Paypal?
A: I don't use Paypal very often due to the types of commissions I usually do. I don't want to get smacked and lose what little income I get. Also, I loathe the "share your entire legal name with absolutely everyone" thing they do.
Q: Do you do a.) art trades b.) art requests c.) art commissions?
a.) Sometimes, if I'm not too busy!
b.) Sometimes! But they take me a while to get to. I also prefer to do this for mutuals.
c.) Yes! But only if they're open at the time of inquiry. If they aren't, but you'd like one anyhow, I'll save you a slot.
Q: When will you open commissions again?
A: Next month if possible! I often open them each month or for short periods of time where my mental health is better than usual. As I am able to improve my mental health and art, I'll keep them open longer.
Q: Will you ever stream again?
A: I hope to someday. My mental health takes up a lot of my time and particularly, anxiety tends to be quite the formidable opponent when it comes to these things. If I'm able to improve and stay well for a longer time, I wouldn't mind streaming again sometime. If and when I do, you'll be able to find me on Pomf.tv!
Q: What program/brushes do you use?
A: I use a program called Krita and most of what I use are the default brushes. I also recently adopted the David Revoy Krita brushkit.
The brushes are absolutely wonderful and I especially love the deevad 1e annotation pen.