Stessie Naera
Age: 132 years (32 in human years)
D.O.B: October 15th
Weight:146 lbs
Born to two loving, but separated parents, Stessie was raised mostly by her father. With him being such a skillful man she quickly picked up quite a few of his skills in magic, archery, and the arts.
In the periods of time where she was watched over by her mother, Stessie learned to play the harp, forage, hunt, cook, carve wooden sculptures, and tend to animals. This is where she learned that she could communicate with the creatures all around her, big and small. This delighted her mother, who herself has a fondness for animals and nature. With the love and support of her family, Stessie grew into a kind, gentle,skilled, and knowledgeable woman.
When she felt the time was right, Stessie wished her mother and father a farewell and set out to explore the world for herself.
After some time, quite a few small traveling mishaps, and lots of photos from her adventures, she made a home of her own. Residing in a fairly sizable cabin in a wooded area, Stessie would eventually meet Opal, her now wife.
Every year now, she visits her mother and father, bringing Opal along. Despite the initial shock when Stessie brought her dear 9 foot tall bear woman home, Stessie’s parents were quick to accept Opal as their daughter in law. In fact, they’ve come to enjoy Opal’s company as much as they do, Stessie’s.
Physical Description
Stessie is a pale, slightly chubby, blonde elf with a friendly look to her. Her hair is often in ringlets, even when it’s tied back. Though she lives in the woods, it doesn’t stop her from wearing dresses and earrings as though she is going to attend a formal event of some sort. To be fair, she claims they’re tough to damage. The only time she changes these for something a bit more fitting to the environment is when she’s hunting. Can’t have them slowing her down!
-Bow and arrows
-Bag of dried fruit
Magic:Stessie is able to cast spells and perform plant-based magic
Agility: She moves quickly and gracefully and this goes double in wooded areas.
Critter whisperer:Stessie is able to tune into the thoughts and feelings of animals she meets. It’s not direct communication, per se, but it’s the next best thing.
Archery:Stessie was taught how to use a bow and arrow by her father. She has retained this skill for many years and often participates in archery contests back home as well as on earth.
Other Details
- Stessie has top tier baking skills and for a while, she owned a bakery in town to earn money for her home in the woods.
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