Age: Ancient
D.O.B: Unknown
Species: Demon
Height: 6’1-any
Weight: 191 lbs
Renard has been around a long time…a very long time yet, he never tires of toying with the humans and other creatures in the universe.
As far as he knows, he wasn’t born, he just was at some point and continued to be from then on.
Apparently, his being wasn’t much appreciated by other demons and this, though puzzling for him, was what he came to be used to.
Eventually though, it gets boring pissing off others who already hate and despise you, so he decided to scare creatures who had no idea he existed.
Every now and then, he comes to Earth to do just that and discover other pleasures as well.
Physical Description
When he isn’t in some other form or just a menacing shadow in the corner of someone’s open closet, this guy still appears far from human. Sporting a long mane of raven hair, red eyes, a long tail, claws, fangs, and an alabaster complexion to see his black veins beneath. Renard (not his real name)stands at 6 feet and one inch. He has not just one, but two pairs of arms so even if his victims can’t grasp the situation they’re in, he can still grasp them.
Pyrokinesis: He can grab control of any flame he wishes, be it a raging forest fire, a small candle on someone’s nightstand, or the fires of Hell itself
Purveyor of paranoia: He’s a colossal fan of bringing hallucinations to the humans of earth, even animals if he really feels like stirring up trouble…
Shapeshifting: He could be anything or anyone, though, he feels his original form is best
Laceration: Demon claws - yikes
Strength: He’s a muscly guy with demon strength. Better to rip you in half with, my dear.
Speed: Running away is best unless you know how to outsmart him. Sadly, running isn’t always very effective against his speed.
Other Details
-He's a demon.
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