Saturday, July 1, 2023


Keiichi Yamamoto(AU)


Age:22 years

D.O.B: September 28th



Weight: 156 lbs



AU Keiichi’s first appearance is canonically at a shady bar downtown. He got caught up in a robbery gone wrong as he loitered and caused a slight public disturbance, much to the amusement of the other bar-goers.

AU Keiichi was born in a large city in a relatively safe area to a mom and dad who weren’t really the best for each other. Needless to say, it wasn’t really a surprise when they divorced. However, it was a pretty cruel turn of events for both, Keiichi and his younger brother, Akihito. Upon the departure of their father, Their mother having received sole custody of them, Ms. Yamamoto became very abusive to her eldest son.

This was devastating for Keiichi, but what made things worse was the revelation that he wasn’t completely straight. After being caught kissing another male student on school grounds, his life descended further into a pit of despair and deeper loneliness.

His mother found this revelation to be something new to bully him over.

More isolated and lonely than ever, Keiichi started to seek camaraderie elsewhere. Thankfully, but possibly unluckily so, he found that closeness with the wrong crowd.

Surprisingly, they were pretty accepting of him, and even showed him the ropes about how to go about living in the streets and make money he desperately needed at the time.

By the time Keiichi made it to high school, he’d been in trouble with just about every authority that counted. He learned, however, becoming trickier and more cunning, able to talk himself and even other people out of tight spots.

Keiichi became valued for his silver tongue, cunning, and pilfering skills and eventually, he broke from his original gang of miscreants to form his own, along with a friend.

During this time, he dropped out of school and on a sadder note, saw his dying father for the last time in a hospital. He came to learn of his father’s disapproval for his lifestyle and further disdain for how he had not endured his mother’s abuse in the way he saw fit.

This upset Keiichi, but more upset awaited him as he soon came to find that he’d been locked out of his own home by his mom.

Having suspected that this day would come however, he’d prepared in advance and this was what set him up to take a trip, stowing away on a ferry with his best friend to cross to the other side of the city to start recruiting for some shady business dealings of their own.

It seems he was born to become a scourge of the city.

Physical Description

AU Keiichi is a pale, freckled, lean, red-headed male with brown eyes and a smile like a shark might have. His hair is a brighter, more artificial shade of red as he likes to dye it. His head is also shaved on one side, leaving a cascade of bright red fluff down the left side of his head. He is often seen wearing some of the most outrageous fits known to man.




-Flask of alcohol

-MP3 player

-Car keys

-Fake I.D.


Stab/cut:He has a knife with him at all times and isn’t afraid to use it.

Evasion:He’s quick and light on his feet. Blink or fall for one of his distractions and he may just slip away with whatever he took from you.

Trickery/cunning:He’s got a silver tongue and a knack for lies and tricks. His smartassery has gotten him into lots of trouble, but it’s also gotten him out of it as well.

Pilfer/burgle:He’s a criminal, he steals things (usually from other criminals, but civilians aren’t exempt). It’s what he does.

Other Details

-He ALWAYS has a quarter on him. He doesn’t leave home without it and often uses it to his advantage.

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This was almost a selfcest fic lol XD

Premise: AU Keiichi and Keiichi have a little heart-to-heart (or something like that) after he catches Keiichi crossdressing using Sawyer...