Saturday, July 1, 2023

Keiichi (Prime)

Keiichi Yamamoto(Prime)


Age: 19 years

D.O.B: September 28th

Species: Human

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 169 lbs



- Keiichi is the neighbor of Sawyer’s adoptive family.

Physical Description

Keiichi is a slightly tanned, freckled, muscular red-headed male with brown eyes and a timid smile. His hair is short and fluffy with quite the abundance of cowlicks present.


-Strange looking watch


-Dog treats

-Random bolts and screws

-Car keys

-Credit card

-Reading glasses

-I.D./Driver’s license


Slash:He has a sword that he knows how to use very well.

“Teleportation”: He’s a man of science and as such, he has his science project, the odd looking watch, with him. It helps him do disappearing acts.

Close quarters fighting: He didn’t only train to fight using a sword.

Other Details

- Keii was part of another story where he was the MC. I may try to pick it up again sometime.

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This was almost a selfcest fic lol XD

Premise: AU Keiichi and Keiichi have a little heart-to-heart (or something like that) after he catches Keiichi crossdressing using Sawyer...