(He/him - it)
Age: Unknown
D.O.B: Unknown
Species: Celestial
Height: 3’3” (99cm)
Weight: 31 lbs
Though not much is known about him, it isn’t hard to guess that Xerxes is a celestial being. That is, he’s not from Earth or any other known planet for that matter. His body is composed of light and yet to be discovered materials not found on Earth. Let’s just say the folks at Area 51 would gain quite a bit by dissecting this little gremlin.
Xerxes arrived on Earth when Ursula made her way there to reclaim a piece of stolen tech.
His arrival was observed by several people at a theater where a ballet was taking place. No one believes said people however, despite a string of strange occurrences caught on camera at the theater in question during the period of time described. This incident was chalked up to a combination of coincidence and a shared hallucination brought on by a small carbon monoxide leak discovered soon after the events and subsequent evacuation of the building.
Physical description
Xerxes appears as a short, chubby, pink, and slightly fuzzy little creature. He is usually seen wearing a small red-accented sailor suit, complete with little red boots on his feet and a large bow at his neck.
Upon first seeing him, one would not be alone in mistaking Xerxes for a small child in a rabbit costume. However, upon seeing his “face” it’s easy to figure out that this isn’t a costumed child, and is in fact, a little monster with only a mouth full of sharp red teeth for a face. If one carefully observes, however, it may become clear that this creature is able to see quite well. The stars that surround him are not just beautiful decor, but also, his way of seeing the world around him.
-Sickeningly pink knife (can cut just about anything as far as we know)
Speed: He is fast, very fast, and nearly indestructible. He may look silly, but he can be quite the formidable opponent if seriously challenged.
Bite: Serrated teeth: You don’t see the jagged edges until you get close and by then, it’s too late. A bite from this little guy could lead to a serious hamburger meat look in the affected area
Blinding: When cornered, he can brighten his eyes to blinding levels of brilliance, blinding his attacker
Stab/cut: Usually, he only uses the knife to cut space, but sometimes, he uses it on attackers. If you thought a regular knife was bad, wait til you get a feel of this one.
Digital invisibility: Being a celestial, Xerxes will not often show up on digital or CCTV cameras. The best way to capture a photo of him would be via a disposable or instant camera.
Other Details
- It isn’t known whether or not Xerxes is able to speak like a human being might. It’s assumed that he can’t due to the fact that he’s only ever made machine noises in order to communicate. He often sounds like a fax machine or printer and so far, only other celestials are able to understand him.
- Giving Xerxes candy is the surest way to get on his good side. He may even grant a wish for you if he deems you worthy. However, choose your words wisely as he also has a little bit of a twisted sense of humor and loves to play tricks.
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