Wednesday, September 13, 2023

This was almost a selfcest fic lol XD

Premise:AU Keiichi and Keiichi have a little heart-to-heart (or something like that) after he catches Keiichi crossdressing using Sawyer's undergarments. Mans has an older (step)sister complex. I can almost guarantee this is completely non-canon. AU Keii and Keiichi hate each other in universe, or at least don't see eye to eye.

Content warning:crossdressing, underwear thief, swearing

minors DNI


AU Keiichi Meets Keiichi [NC]

“Oh ho, what do we have here~?”

Keiichi just about jumped a mile high before spinning around, losing his footing and stumbling back against the open dresser drawer he’d been invested in moments ago.

“S-Sawyer, I–”

He quickly realized that he wasn’t looking at Sawyer, however. It hadn’t even been her voice behind him, but his own…sort of.

The man in the doorway looked a lot like him, but also very different. His similar, but redder hair had been shaved on the right side of his head, leaving it to cascade down past his shoulders on the left side. He had a much more lithe figure in comparison as well. He had the same freckles, the same pale complexion, and the same deep brown eyes Keiichi had, though and this left his counterpart speechless.

The man stared mischievously at Keiichi, observing him as he sat in a drawer full of undergarments that clearly weren’t his.

“Sawyer? Who’s that?” The other redhead teasingly questioned with a sly grin.

Keiichi couldn’t move, still shocked about what was occurring — about having been caught in the act.

His odd twin stepped closer, crossing the room in seconds to stare into Keiichi’s dark brown eyes with his very own matching pair.

“So this is what my…“original” gets up to when no one’s looking.” He spoke.

“I…listen it’s–”

“Mhmm, look, I don’t really care, but ya gotta know this is a very interesting thing to walk in on.”

Keiichi flushed a deep red color as his double gestured to his near-nudity.

“I mean, I heard a’ stuff like this, but I didn’t think I’d ever see it.”

He was surprised to get any help at all, honestly, but when he was offered a hand, he took it. Being freed from the drawer was a relief, but not necessarily the end of his troubles. His hips weren’t ever going to do the job of holding up the panties he liked to “borrow” from time to time. Having dropped his safety pin in surprise earlier, he was up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

That being the case, he looked really silly when he tried to be stern with his unexpected audience.

“Why are you here? She’s not home as you can see and–”

His other self began cackling madly, cutting him off.

“Oh, god, at least put on panties that fit before going all “police officer” on me, muscles~”

His eyes raked over Keiichi’s body for a good moment before moving back up to his unamused and very red face.

“I mean, obviously, she isn’t here. Look at you. All…frilly and stuff.” He gestured to Keiichi again.

“So are you going to leave or–?”

His question was answered when he saw his double walk over to the bed and sit down, crossing his long legs with a peek at his phone and then an expectant glance in his direction.

“And miss the fashion show? I’d never forgive myself.”

Keiichi opened his mouth to protest, but struggled to find the right words. He averted his gaze, aware of his visitor’s eyes on him, but choosing to ignore it. It didn’t stop him from talking, though.

“I was curious. You’re…like me in some ways. You know what that’s like, right? I mean, I’ve seen you wear skirts and ribbons and things like that.” He started, his eyes scanning the hardwood floor and green carpet near the bed for his lost safety pin.

His double didn’t reply, choosing to smile and observe him instead.

“These are so pretty on her and—well, not that I meant to see—just…”

His face, which had been flushed to begin with, seemed to maintain its pink hue consistently now, right up to the tips of his ears. Even as he peeked beneath the dresser, giving his other self a nice view of his muscular backside and thighs, he seemed to be most concerned with what he happened to be confessing.

“I don’t know. I don’t think it’s the clothes, but I still feel close to her like this anyway. She makes me nervous, you know? Talking to her seems more and more unfathomable while doing this is…somehow less intimidating.” He admitted quietly.

The room was silent for a moment as Keiichi stood back up, a look of resignation on his face, likely over the missing pin. His double shifted on the bed and regarded him for a moment before speaking.

“Damn. Ya know, ya clouda left at any moment. It ain’t like I blocked the door or took a sneaky photo of you. I didn’t even threaten to tell.”

Keiichi stared at his twin, trying to discern what he was getting at.

“I think you wanted to be caught. Maybe not by her, per se. Or maybe that’s your thing… But someone who wants to keep a secret knows to check and make sure they locked the door.”

Keiichi glared at him and he chuckled.

“Look, it’s not like she’s your real sister, ya know? Sure, your parents might be a little skeeved out by it, but…”

He shrugged to get the rest of his point across and stood. After an exaggerated stretch and just a little more ogling, he moved his booted foot to the side, revealing the lost safety pin.

“Just tell her before she catches ya doin’ this shit an’ kicks yer ass or somethin’. ”

He clapped Keiichi’s back, gave him a little wink, and then he was gone. The sound of the front door closing and a key in the lock confirmed as much.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Trapped: What's in a name?

Premise: Sawyer gets absolutely railed by a demon(?) because it's her "birthday" but it's non-consensual. This one *might* have a part two. IDK, my attention span is horrible, but I'll try. As before, feedback will always be appreciated! :)

Content warning: Rape/non-con, manipulation, overstim, mentions of male masturbation, futanari, swearing, monster, home invasion, suicidal ideation, blood, bodily injury

minors DNI


It had been a long and frustrating night for Sawyer. She groaned in irritation as she made it through the door, her body aching from work, her eyes about ready to close for the night and…something just a little off about what she would’ve otherwise confidently called her home.

Well, if someone was there, they likely already knew she was there with them. Despite her fear, a lingering thought entered her head— some small hope that maybe they'd take her out quickly and she’d no longer have to face the sad sack of stench that was her workplace’s new boss and life in general.

Dropping her bag on the hardwood beneath her heels, she shrugged off her coat and took in a breath through her nose before speaking.

“May as well c’mon over. I could smell your obnoxious cologne as soon as I opened the door.”

There was silence at first and as she waited for it to pass, Sawyer briefly wondered if she’d done the right thing in calling forth what could be the cause of her very own agonizing death.

She did not explore further however. The slow creeping of long, pale, black-tipped, and gentle fingers over her bare shoulders interrupted her internal dialogue, leaving her to shiver against the stranger’s oddly cold touch. Worry found her as an identical pair of hands made their way around her waist at the same time.

“Now, aren’t you a bit too…” the voice gave a hum of consideration before speaking again.

“...miniscule…to be insulting something like myself?”

Sawyer didn’t answer, but the hands kept moving and she observed, unsure of how to respond.

How could she? The way they seemed to know the right spots to knead eased her physical tension. Their voice—it sounded male — was soothing as well.

“Nothing to say?” They whispered, finally withdrawing their hands in favor of roughly grabbing the stunned woman, lifting her ever so slightly off the floor.

Though she may have reacted then at the sudden change in the situation, swiping at the stranger with her claws, it didn’t do much in the end. This left her staring up at the face of someone…no, something that frightened her. He was beautiful, but in an unsettling way. She could tell he wasn’t human. His height and the eyes hers had briefly met would tip anyone off. He was so close to her face as well—too close, in fact.

As he stood in silence, gripping her arms with enough force to leave them bruised, she parted her lips to ask to be placed back on her feet. Before she could, though, she realized that he was bleeding, his blood staining part of her dress black as it dripped onto the fabric.

Quickly, Sawyer moved her gaze away from his face.

“Fuck. Let me… get you something for that.”

Again, there was silence. This one made her feel a bit angry as this wasn’t supposed to be happening in the first place. But again, he managed to stop the process before it reached the conclusion.

She was surprised to feel her feet touch the floor again and even more surprised to see that he didn’t look angry about the injury. Instead, he stood and observed her as she took several steps ahead of him, likely to distance herself from his imposing form.

“R-right. Bathroom’s this way.”

The silence persisted and so did Sawyer’s nervousness and frustration with the situation. When she reached the bathroom door, she had half a mind to turn and give the swipe from earlier another try.

She didn’t though, that old feeling of being resigned to her fate from so long ago having crept back to the forefront of her mind. Maybe if she just treated him well, he’d let her be and scoot off into the night and they’d never meet again.

The door opened with a small groan, much like the one she’d let out upon arriving home.

I know. I understand. She thought to herself in silent agreement with the door.

With the flip of a switch, the lights illuminated the small hallway bathroom in a warm yellow light. Any other day, this would’ve been welcoming, but now, such a small space felt inconvenient.

“Watch your head.” She spoke up, a tremble in her voice as she warned her uninvited guest of the relatively low doorway.

She could hear his steps behind her, but that was it and only if she listened closely. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have known he’d followed her at all.

Upon entering the bathroom, she turned to look in the mirror only to have her vision go black. The cold fingers of his had wrapped themselves around the front of her face, much to her terrified annoyance.


“You’d like to keep your sanity, right?” He whispered, his voice in her ears once more.


He chuckled, clicking his tongue a little at her hesitation.

“Then, spare me your curiosity.”

She didn’t respond. Instead, she felt around for the handle to one of the cabinets. Upon finding it, she opened the little door and retrieved the first aid kit, noticing that she could see again when the box came into view, the red “plus” clearly visible.

The problem now however, was that she couldn’t turn around, having been pinned to the counter by a considerable amount of weight. And soon, her hands joined the rest of her body, freed of the kit and pinned to the mirror by another of this beast’s considerably large hands, the glass as cold as his touch.

“What are you doing?”

The panic in her voice was evident and he loved every bit of it. Perhaps if she’d been able to move her tail, she would’ve had a better chance at freeing herself. He smiled at her as her fiery needle-like irises met his in the mirror.

“Oops~” He cooed, sliding his hand back over her eyes.

“Sorry, princess. Like I said…no peeking.”

She squirmed against him, her desire to escape increasing rapidly with each overlapping realization that this was really happening.

“Please, let me go.” Came her soft plea though, it was disregarded before it even left her lips.

Instead, the creature busied himself with more of the kneading from before, much to Sawyer’s discomfort. He took in every little twitch and move she made, most of them in a vain attempt to evade the poking and prodding he’d chosen to subject her to.

He relished the rapid beating of her heart, the flutter of her eyelashes against his hand and warm breath that escaped her lips as she tried to hold herself together.

“Poor thing~ You seem to be in over your head.” He mocked, reaching to the front of her body and roughly yanking her dress away from her body.

The ripping sound was jarring as it tore through the silence of the tiny bathroom and even more so, the silence of the apartment.

He didn’t mind, though. It caused her to shake ever so slightly and allowed him to cup the warmth of her chest in his hands. How glad he was that he had two pairs for this occasion.

She squirmed more at this intrusion, but his grasp was tight and his weight wasn’t letting up. Whining at her frustrating inability to move in such a dire situation, she once again choked out a plea, begging him to stop. This too, fell on deaf ears.

Unlike before, where she couldn’t detect anything resembling a breath from him, now she could feel a cool breeze against the back of her neck. She could feel his fingers, much with the same cold feeling, creeping down the front of her body. She shuddered at the feeling of his hips moving against her own.

“W-why are you–? F-fuck…stop it!” Her voice cracked as she spoke and she cursed at herself in her head for this, already embarrassed enough.

He chuckled and shushed her, slipping his pinky and ring finger into her mouth to drive home the point. He further relished at her gagging noises as he pressed them against the back of the roof of her mouth.

His hips sped up a little then, and he pressed them forward, harshly forcing her thighs against the bathroom counter. His hands continued to knead her breasts, pulling on her nipples and their piercings, causing her to let out the odd sound every now and then.

He couldn’t help but feel delighted at every sign her body gave that it could feel what he was doing.

With each firm thrust against her ass, he thought of what wonderful sight would await him when he finally lifted the fabric he’d left on her body.

“Sawyer~” He cooed, licking the back of her neck and chuckling as he felt her tense up even more.

“You should relax, princess. I don’t think the human heart is supposed to beat this fast.”

She let out a frustrated grunt in response, once again trying to push him away. Instead, she got to feel the evidence of his arousal through her ruined dress, causing her skin to crawl.

“Oh, do keep at it~” His sickly sweet tone becoming a growl in her ear as one of his hands left her breast to grope at her ass.

Not wanting to stall for another moment, he slid his fingers down and lifted what was left of her dress, letting his weight off her just enough to make room for such an action.

Sobbing, she kicked at his ankles with the heels she still wore, hoping to get him to back away more. No dice.

Despite all her struggling, he was able to trap her again with no problems at all. As he did so, he trailed the tip of his long, thin index finger over the fabric of her panties and down the length of her slit, stopping just near to her clit. Pulling his finger away from the warmth of her cunt, he gave a satisfied hum, seeing that she was noticeably wet and had left his finger slick with her fluids..

He made a show of cleaning his finger, noisily licking up the fluid he’d collected.


By this point, Sawyer was a weeping mess, her eyes no longer able to hold back the tears she’d hoped to blink away.


It was the only word she was able to mutter out. The feeling of defeat grew stronger as she felt him hook a finger beneath the gusset of her underwear and pull them aside for a moment. The cold air that hit her exposed slit told her that he could see how much of an effect he’d had on her.

She was getting tired of squirming and her body was beginning to feel heavier with each passing second.

Why was this happening again?

He enjoyed the shiver he got from her as he placed his hand over the swell of her vulva, reserving his middle finger for her clit, which he rubbed in long, slow circles.

Though she tried to shrink away from this too, it proved to be a difficult task. In fact, this was what earned her a smack from the creature hovering over her. She yelped at the sudden stinging pain, accompanied by a bitter chill, across her backside. More tears fell from her eyes and onto the counter below.

“I do enjoy your struggling, but I’m trying to make it up to you. At least pretend to be grateful~”

She faltered upon hearing this, angry and frustrated, but feeling guilty for some reason. As much as she twitched after this, she found herself afraid of making any attempt at more significant moves.

“Please…I don’t want this.” She sobbed, feeling how sore her wrists were from his icy grasp.

He paid no mind however, and continued to survey her lower parts, dipping his middle finger into her warm folds and allowing his thumb to take over the responsibility of massaging her now swollen clit.

Her gasps and soft whimpers drew a wanton sigh from him as he stared down at her shivering form.

“Poor thing”, he thought aloud, allowing his eyes to slowly rake over her smaller, sweatier form.

She must’ve been thinking about how nice a warm shower would feel when she’d stepped through the door. Instead, she would be his plaything for the night.

He smiled as his hand finally left her other breast to trace a line down the length of her spine all the way back to where her tail was. Giving it some thought, he decided to give her wrists a rest, trading his icy grasp for the surprising warmth of the inside of the mirror. He almost chuckled again at the sound of her shocked and terrified gasp and subsequent protest.

“Careful now, princess. You break the mirror and you won’t be getting those pretty little fingers back.”

He continued along now, ripping the rest of her dress from her body, keeping only a strip of it to place gingerly over her eyes.

It was then that he backed away for the first time, using all the space the small room could afford him in order to observe his handiwork.

He mused over the old scars on her body as well as her tail, which never really settled, giving the indication that she was still feeling quite a bit distressed.

Sitting on the counter just next to her, he watched her struggle internally with what was happening. Her thoughts delighted him, giving him warmth inside that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Her tears stained her cheeks and blackened the blindfold with eyeliner. For a moment, he considered licking them. He knew better, though. He wouldn’t touch her again just yet. This sight was enough however, to have a little fun while he waited.

Making sure to be quiet, he ran his hand over his cloth covered crotch , groping at the warmth of the firm flesh just beneath the long piece of fabric.

Looking over at the woman next to him, he recalled how it had felt when he’d done the same to her. Licking his lips, he tasted the remnants of her slick from his fingertips and pressed a bit harder against his crotch with his other hand, palming himself through his loincloth. He shivered against his own touch, feeling the throb of his cock at the sound of a particularly loud whimper from his captive.

Glancing back in her direction, he could see the soaked fabric of her panties pulled tight over her clit by her cock’s sudden need for extra space. Her knees buckled ever so slightly at the sensation and the creature wondered to himself whether she’d be able to keep standing or not.

Intrigued, he watched with great interest, observing as her cock drooled through the fabric of her panties and eventually, onto the floor, slowly making a small puddle. Her balls looked painfully full and perhaps they were, with how much she seemed to struggle to keep her thighs from making contact with them.

He watched for a moment or two more before deciding that he didn’t want to see this one lose her hands. Chiding himself in his head for sparing such a thought to a lowly being, he carefully slid his weight off the counter and made his way to the shivering blonde, his hand not moving from the front of his pants.

“You’re a mess…but you’ve held out so well up to now.”

Her tail twitched a bit at the sound of his voice and as he got closer, she began to swing it a bit more violently to keep him away.

“E-eat shit!” She replied shakily, a healthy hint of defiance in her voice.

He raised his eyebrows at this, genuinely shocked for a moment at her boldness. In this position, especially with one’s hands stuck in a mirror as hers were, most wouldn’t find the gall to curse at him and attempt to fight. Usually, that required more damage to have been done or some sense that freedom was at hand. She was in neither of these situations from what he could see. He smiled.

“Now, is that any way to talk to me?” He spoke, amusement and irritation in his tone.

Grabbing her tail with one hand, a fistful of her hair with another hand and the back of the waistband on her panties with the other, he pulled her head back, and pulled her panties even more taut against her aching clit and the head of her cock.

The sounds she let out horrified her and delighted him. If she had tears left to cry, they were on hold for this situation, instead, replaced with burning shame that hit her seemingly out of nowhere. Fear was secondary for just a few moments.

“I suggest you mind your manners. Otherwise, I’ll have to get creative with you.” He warned.

“Anyway, I was going to suggest that we move somewhere a little less uncomfortable for you, but since you can’t behave, I think we’ll compromise instead.”

He let go of her tail and grasped her legs as he said it, lifting her lower half so that she sat with folded legs on the counter in front of him. He observed the expanse of exposed skin that her back had to offer and quickly took to nipping at it, when he reached her ass, he considered it for a moment and gathered a bit of saliva in his mouth before spitting on the puckered ring of muscle. He wasted no time sliding one of his black-tipped thumbs against the little hole. It twitched as he touched it.

He listened gleefully as she stuttered out pleas for him to stop, eventually pushing the tip of thumb inside, drawing a few broken sobs from her. He gathered more of her slick with the fingers of his opposite hand and pushed one of the digits inside her ass with only the tiniest bit of care not to hurt her.

She protested, barely able to breathe as she continued to try and find any shred of decency in him with her words. She found none, of course, and she despaired as he found her prostate. He fucked her ass with his cold, slender fingers, pressing into her sensitive organ until her voice trembled with the pained, embarrassed tone that could only come from an unwanted orgasm at the hands of a ruthless, mocking stranger.

He grasped his penis loosely with his lower set of hands and began to tease it now, feeling it throb at her every sound. More tears, he was sure. He chuckled deeply watching her further soak her underwear and defile a section of the counter with her seed.

A hiss escaped his lips as he continued. His fingers now reached the waistband of her panties, giving them another yank just to hear her once again. The yelp, subsequent begging for him to stop, and soft declaration that it had hurt her did not disappoint.

Pulling her hips back a little more, he hooked his fingers around the fabric of her panties one last time, ripping them away from her body completely. However, he didn’t discard them. Instead, he brought them up to her face, giving her a good whiff of them before placing them to her lips.

“Say “ah”, princess~”

Of course, he’d known it wouldn’t work, so when he ever so unkindly gripped and slapped her balls, causing her to gasp and raise off the counter a little, he delighted in his act of genius. With cruel glee, he forced the cum and slick-soaked rag into Sawyer’s mouth.

“There there.” He cooed into her ear with an audible grin.

He leaned down to kiss the middle of her back. His fingers nimbly kneaded her balls in a somewhat mocking attempt to soothe them.

It wasn’t long before she could feel something warm pushing against her dripping entrance. The anticipation of such an entry usually gave her pause on a good day, but now, it definitely felt overwhelming.

She begged around the gag for him to stop or maybe even to reconsider, but it was futile in the end. Again, her muffled words fell on deaf ears. It was only a small mercy that he entered a finger first, curling it upwards against her twitching insides. The cold was torturous, but the familiar feeling of his thumb against her clit somewhat quelled her discomfort. It didn’t take long for him to add a second and even a third, though, this stretch was uncomfortable for a while. She’d cried on and off, soaking the blindfold with her tears, dreading what was to come.

“Relax, dear~ I just want to use this pretty little hole of yours for a while.”

Gently stroking her lower back, he moved his hand to the base of her tail, kneading it as he had other parts of her. Unlike the other parts, however, he managed to extract a different sound with this one.

Even while gagged, the lewdest sounds this creature had heard in years fell from his captive’s lips. The way she trembled under his touch so suddenly, her pink folds twitching along with said trembling made him realize that it was something he could use to his advantage.

Meanwhile, Sawyer’s mind was on fire. Those weren’t sounds she wanted to show him. They weren’t meant for him…or anyone, really, but definitely not for him. Despite this, anger was nowhere to be found anymore. With each firm stroke of the base of her tail, she felt what little composure she’d had left slipping away.

“Atta girl~” He whispered.

Leaning forward, he grabbed her hips, stroking his cock and lining it up before driving his own hips forward. He audibly exhaled as he did this, the sound mingling with Sawyer’s muffled whimpers and chilling the back of her neck.

Her cunt was gripping his cock tightly and quivering nearly enough to make him feel he’d cum right then.

He chuckled at how quiet she’d suddenly become. Her shaky sniffling was the only thing, besides his breathing, that could be heard in the tiny room.

With no more patience left in him, he started to move, his only thought of using the body this pitiful, stupid creature had unwittingly offered up for his pleasure.

Sawyer sobbed over the rag, feeling him dig his claws into her skin, leaving fresh marks where old ones rested.

The feeling of being full was a nice one. The feeling of his balls smacking against her clit would most definitely drive her over the edge.

Choking out another sob at one particularly hard thrust, she tensed against him, only to have her tail toyed with yet again. She was aware of his little trick now, but truthfully, and grudgingly so, she was glad for it. Each time he used it, she saw stars behind the blindfold. An all-encompassing warmth engulfed her, causing her to forget the situation for a moment.

“Such a nice meat pocket.” He sighed out, his tone smug and relieved all at once.

“It must feel so…tragic…to only be good for one thing.”

Leaning further over the distressed woman, he rocked his hips slowly, driving the length of his hot, throbbing cock deeper into her twitching depths. He sighed at imagining how she might be feeling his thick precum coating her walls.

He did lick her tears then, relishing the salty taste. He quickened his pace as well, his cold breath fanning against the side of her face as he grit his teeth. She really did feel amazing, it was a shame she didn’t seem to be taking a liking to him.

No matter, he thought. He’d found himself something his home did not offer. For all the things that humanity lacked, warmth was not one of them, at least, where their bodies were concerned. He smiled at this, baring his fangs as he clawed at her skin, creating red marks and rivulets of blood in places where he’d pressed in too hard. He was gripping her hips and thighs like she’d float away if he let go. She whined in protest, but he paid no mind. Instead, he continued driving his hips back and forth, the noises of skin on skin contact filling the tiny room.

In between thrusts and small grunts, he spoke to her.

“I know, princess. I know. Take comfort in knowing that you’re giving me something I rarely get to have. If it weren’t you, it would’ve been some other poor soul. And I know you wouldn’t want that, right?”

He leaned his head into the crook of her neck, wrapping one of his upper arms beneath her breasts as he placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

“Surely, you must know what it’s like to be alone for so long, yes? How painful it is? ” He whispered into her ear.

Sawyer shivered against him, her body tensing. Again, she smelled that scent from before. It was a little different now, however. The ocean came to mind and a few other things with it, painful things that time had only recently started to bury. She felt her throat tighten, more tears coming to her eyes beneath the blindfold. She wanted to protest, to tell him to stop, but the gag and his uncaring nature were barriers she couldn’t pass.

He chuckled.

“It’s okay. I won’t tell a soul. You welcomed me with those thoughts of yours, after all. I don’t want to torment my host too much.”

She relented, the last embers of her frustration and will to fight fizzling out, much to his delight.

Instead of speaking however, he kissed her wet tearstained cheek, pulled out, and turned her around, careful not to move her hands from within the mirror.

Finally able to see her frontside, he stared greedily at her chest and the soft swell of her midsection. Already, it looked swollen and he hadn’t even cum inside her yet. He regarded her for a few moments more, his cock outside of the embrace of her warm folds, but still embraced by his own cold hand. As much as he wanted to be inside her again, he couldn’t help but watch as her slick, violated entrance twitched around the empty space his cock had once occupied, leaking a mixture of their combined fluids.

He pleasured himself to the sight of her cunt which dripped with a mixture of her slick and his precum. Her own stiff, throbbing cock, and the gradually more desperate bucking of her hips as she began to needily try for any friction she could get added to his enjoyment.

He stood, waiting for her to beg for him, to ask him to continue assaulting her. Though it was muffled, it didn’t take long.

“Ah? What was that?” He asked, a sly smirk coming to his face.

She tried to speak once more, her body moving much more vigorously this time around.

He stepped closer, and finally, much to her relief, removed the soggy gag from her mouth.

Coughing, she hoarsely pleaded for him to continue though she struggled to find her words near the end.

“P-please…I need — I…need..”

“You need? What do you need, princess?” He cooed teasingly, leaning in close enough for her to feel the cool air radiating off his body.

Playfully, he nibbled the outer shell of her ear, smug in his conviction that he had her now.

"Please, fuck me. I wan–” She paused, her gaze lowering.

“I…need you to fuck me. Please…”.

He hummed, thinking for a moment.

“And why’s that? Why not someone else, Sawyer?” He asked, watching as her head bounced up to give him a pleading stare from behind the blindfold.

He tilted his head, amused at how hesitant she was.

“I could always gag you again…leave you here, hands stuck in the mirror…needy, aching…starving… Thinking of her…with no one to comfort you.”

He watched her struggle again until finally, she ashamedly choked out the last of her words.

“Because…because I’m… alone too. I understand…we could help each other…so it’s okay.”

Funnily enough, she smiled a bit at that last part, something he took note of and returned seconds before slamming back into her, the force of his weight and hers combined audibly cracking the mirror.

She screamed, her body suddenly being assaulted with the roughest thrusts she’d ever felt. It hurt, but she said nothing. Instead, she leaned into him, her tears replaced with whatever silence a bitten lip could afford.

She wasn’t sure when, but sometime before, her hands had been freed from the mirror and had found their way onto his back, her claws digging in. Just like her legs had wrapped around his cold body, so had her arms.

“There you go. Isn’t this nice?” He grunted, slamming his hips against hers as she rolled them, both desperately hoping for some sort of satisfying ending to their efforts.

She muttered something unintelligible as she felt him grasp her ass, holding her up and at an angle. The head of his cock was rubbing a spot that made her see stars. She gritted her teeth letting out a shaky moan as she gripped him more tightly, her cunt doing much the same to his cock.

He chuckled again, sending vibrations through both their bodies.

“You’re already close, aren’t you, baby? It doesn’t bother you that I smell like her? That you’re imagining her right now?”.

Sawyer dug her claws in deeper, his blood coating her fingers. He growled into her ear and she shuddered against him. He grabbed her tail again, massaging the base.

“C’mon~ There’s no need to be ashamed. Cum for…us. Give her your cute little whimpers one more time.” He cooed, the cold fingers he suddenly wrapped around her neck in contrast with his comparatively gentle touches on her tail.

She tensed again, wanting to stop, wanting to hide—to get away, but there was no hope for that, no hope of being brought back from the edge of the cliff she was about to fall over. Try as she might, she couldn’t rid herself of the memories currently racing through her head. She hated the fragrance her mother used to wear, the way the woman used to hunch over her some nights, the mockery and taunting…

It was too much. It was all too much, but she came anyway—shaking so hard against this creature’s cold, hard, alabaster body, not even a scream could leave her throat. Though, that might’ve been because his hand was still wrapped around her neck.

He laughed at this pitiful display and she felt him twitch inside her…barely. She was numb for a moment before his thrusts resumed and quickly became unbearable to her sensitive insides.

“That’s a good girl.” He praised, pulling out and turning her around again.

He made no effort to be even the tiniest bit gentle with her now, pressing her face harshly against the mirror’s cracked glass and jostling her blindfold. He mused at the cuts on her back from the mirror’s cracked surface.

He spread her cunt without mercy, plunging himself in all the way while gripping her throat with one of the four hands he hadn’t tasked with groping at her sweaty, exhausted body.

“I…s-should’ve made you use that tongue of yours to…” he sucked in some air through his teeth.

“...get me off. I could’ve had more fun that way. Hearing you gasp for breath as though you weren’t wishing it away when you stepped through the door, amuses me.”

He groaned, feeling his own climax coming. Again, he found himself relishing the fact that he was violating her, getting to watch his thick member slide in and out of her abused cunt, leaving the flesh there swollen and sticky.

Her eye burned as light made its way through the slack in the blindfold. She shut her eyes tight, frightened by everything that was happening. Her strength was gone and all she could do was take what he—what this monster…no, demon, was giving.

She wasn’t sure how she knew all of a sudden, but she did her best not to let on that she did. She focused on the bitter ache she now felt inside herself and the pain he was causing her. He enjoyed those things, after all.

Again, he grasped her shoulders and pushed her hard against the mirror. As awkward as his angle was, his thrusts became more and more relentless, more desperate — more needy for friction even if it was just the head. He wanted to lick the wounds on her back…on her arms…

“If only you’d fled when you had the chance.” He growled against the side of her neck, his forehead pressed against her cheek.

Alarm bells were ringing in her head now. She could hear his thoughts too and she didn’t want his “offering”, the one he seemed to be silently and repeatedly commanding her to take.

He sounded different. Familiar, even.

Behind the blindfold, her eyes shot open.

“Take it!” He groaned into the crook of her neck, flooding her much smaller body with a volume of hot thick seed not meant for a human being.

He shuddered against her, his thrusts erratic and then not at all. The burning sensation around his neck stopped him cold, leaving him to dump his seed but with much less friction than he would’ve preferred.

His ears twitched at the word she’d whimpered out. They, too, burned.

“What did you just–?” He started, cutting himself off as he watched her pull away from him, her abdomen dramatically rounded by his generous deposit.

The red scrap of fabric he’d wrapped over her eyes now hung loosely around her neck as she looked back at him, horror in her expression.

“You…you died years ago.” She whispered, looking as though she’d cry again.

He grabbed for her then, attempting to silence her, but found that he could not move as he wished. She ducked, sliding off the counter on shaky legs, and stumbled towards the door, her engorged belly and bruised womanhood throwing her balance off.

With what little energy she had left, she threw herself out of the bathroom, grabbing the door handle on the way out. He reached out for her again, yelling about some mistake she’d just made.

Too frazzled and shaken to listen or care, she continued to pull the door closed, slamming one of his arms in it and eliciting a cry of pain from him before actually being able to close it properly.

“Sawyer!” He roared, indignation in his tone.

She stared fearfully at the door, frozen in place despite her desire to run.

It took her some time to realize that for whatever reason, he could do nothing but yell and pound his fists against the door. It took her even longer to back away even just a few steps.

She dragged the entirety of the couch into the hallway to slide against the bathroom door some moments later, wedging it tightly between the walls that made up the narrow hallway.

With shaky pained limbs, Sawyer went to her closet, grabbed a coat and wrapped it around herself, hurriedly tying the sash. Grabbing her previously discarded purse, she rushed to the door, slamming it behind her.

She’d barely checked to see if it was locked before she fled into the cold night.

[To be continued…]


His thoughts at one point: “plap plap plap plap plap plap get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant…”

HBD, Sawyer! Also, sorry, girl lmao

Monday, September 11, 2023


Premise: Sawyer has a grand ol' time laying two unfertilized eggs. This is pure self-indulgence on the eve of Sawyer's birthday and my first attempt at writing an egg laying fic. I had fun writing it and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. As I'm looking to improve, feedback will always be appreciated! :)

Content warning: Egg laying, overstim, mentions of female masturbation accompanied by male sex organs b/c futanari, swearing

minors DNI


Sawyer held in a loud whine as she felt this month's unlaid eggs moving into position to be expelled from her body. It was an odd feeling, but one she'd come to love...and hate at times. This was one of those "I hate it" moments.

Squirming in the driver seat of her car, she quietly begged who or whatever would listen to let her get home quickly. She abandoned this however, when the last red light before her beloved road out of town caught her. It was a slow thing, something she found herself rolling her eyes at each and every time she had to deal with it. Squeezing her thighs together just a bit, she tried to soothe the ache between them.

"Goddammit, c'mon already!" she snapped after a good minute or so, her voice reaching an embarrassingly high pitch.

When the light did change, she quickly made her way past it and on to her destination. The sight of the increasing amount of trees along the way had excited and reassured her many times before. This time was no different.

Almost there, she thought.


Once she'd parked, Sawyer couldn't exit the car fast enough. She even stumbled when entering her house.

Pulling off her clothes and discarding them where she stood, the blonde rushed up the stairs and to her room. Before anything else, a shower...

The warm water felt like heaven on her otherwise slightly-colder-than usual skin. She hummed as she bathed her thick scaly tail, shivering and clenching her thighs together as yet another wave of arousal ran through her. The sense of urgency quickly returned.

Thankfully, the rest of her body was easier to clean and soon, she was out of the shower.

She hadn't noticed before, but now, in front of the mirror and without clothes or even her towel to cover her, she could see that her abdomen had rounded out a little more. She stared for a moment and shivered at the feeling of her own warm slick running down her thighs.

After drying off, she tossed her towel onto the holder to dry and opened her bathroom door to throw herself onto her bed.

No need to turn the lights on or fiddle with the curtains; she'd taken care of them already. She settled into the gentle sound of rain from some saved videos on her tv and sunk into her pile of warm blankets, worn shirts, and plush creatures.

Sawyer felt the eggs shift again.

This was the time she'd been anticipating. Time to lie back and grope one of her breasts with one hand while the other slipped between her soft, warm thighs to attend to the ache there. She paid no mind to her penis, giving all of her attention to the needy, aching swell of her clitoris and eventually, the warm embrace of her sopping cunt.

Her lips parted as she inserted a finger inside herself, lightly pressing down against the slick flesh of her vagina. Another shiver shook her and she felt a gush of warm liquid onto her hand. She withdrew the digit she'd had inside to observe it before placing it back at her entrance, adding two more fingers. For a bit, this was okay. She relished the feeling of stretching herself out with three and then four fingers. The soft rolls of her belly jiggled just a bit at the intensity of some of her later thrusts, her impatience starting to climb.

When the moment passed and she could no longer justify using her fingers, she sat up. The heavy piece of multicolored silicone she pulled from beneath one of her pillows would usually be intimidating, but she wasn't looking to have it inside. In fact, she hoped that the vibrator inside it would be the thing to give her the relief she was looking for. She kissed the pretty hunk of silicone, spit on it, coiled her tongue around it, and quickly got to work attaching it to a pillow. Scooting back onto it pulled a lustful groan from her.

On her side now, she ground her hips back into her crude bedmate, the length of the dildo just enough to slip satisfyingly between her pretty folds and up against her clit. Lewd squelching sounds filled the room, just barely audible over the sound of the TV. She added to the collection of lewd sounds with her moans when she finally switched the vibrator on, happy to have found what seemed to be just the right amount of friction.

When she got impatient again, Sawyer clenched her thighs around her silicone friend, keeping the vibrations just barely against her pink bud. As desperate as she was for release, she didn't want to come yet either. And she prolonged the inevitable this way. It was a torturous bit of teasing if she were honest, but she remedied with the return of her slender fingers lightly rolling her swollen clit between them. She was close now, too close to stop again, much to her delight and dismay.

Oh well, she mused in her head.

Gasping softly, she begged under her breath for her body to let her have this, to reward her for her efforts. And though she was nearly in tears, overwhelmed by all she was feeling—she was very sensitive now, after all—it seemed to give into her pleas. She was both, joyful and sad at the arrival of her climax.

Soon, the stiffening of her muscles and shuddering of her body had calmed into a series of sporadic jolts. To be honest, she could've melted right then and there.

This feeling didn't last however, as she quickly felt the first egg start to make its way out.

She grasped at the sheets beneath her, the pain of the stretch lessened by her previous orgasm, but still noticeable.

"G-god..." She sobbed out, a cross between a pained whine and a not insignificant helping of pleasure.

Blinking away a few tears, Sawyer peeked down at her lower half to catch a glimpse of the first egg, crowning, showing off a bit of its hard white shell.

Sawyer spread her legs further, now painfully aware that not only was she hard as well, but that this egg was putting pressure on that sensitive batch of nerves inside her vagina, overstimulating her.

She whimpered, chewing her lip, unsure what to do. The pain was subsiding quickly, but her mind was foggy, leaving her just one more overwhelming sensation away from being a drooling, shuddering, mess on her bed.

Desperate, she scooted back against her vibrator-adorned pillow and let one of her legs rest on the bed. For the other, she grabbed a smaller pillow to support it. Lying on her side, she reached behind her to retrieve the dildo. Slick, and still vibrating in her hands, it sounded louder now, but was quickly muffled as she lifted her balls to place it against her clit once more. The maddening feeling of "too much" quickly became a silent plea for this to continue.

The way her slick insides gripped the egg caused her to squirm and whine, but it also pushed the egg forward. Again, there was a pinch and then the swell of the egg's midsection gaped her. She whined, rolling onto her back again, almost completely certain she'd come for a second time. She keened in delight and anticipation, her hips twitching once.

The egg slipped forward and came to lay against her right thigh—warm, covered in slick, and just a tiny bit bigger than a baseball.

She paid it no mind. Instead, she frowned at the feeling of her much desired orgasm fading before it's arrival. Again, her entrance was twitching and aching to be filled. She was frustrated now, the vibrations from the dildo doing nothing for her all of a sudden.

Swearing at the stupidity of it all, she slipped the tip of the toy inside herself, ramping up the vibration by one level. With her other hand, she gripped her quivering member and began slowly thumbing over the foreskin, pulling it back until her gaze fell upon the intense reddish-pink of the head peeking out, slick with pre. Her cock twitched and throbbed against her hand, the skin of her shaft stretched, showing the veins just beneath.

Making a loose fist, Sawyer moved it along her warm, engorged shaft, slowly at first, and then faster. Her other hand busied itself with moving the dildo back and forth, hoping to make way for the second egg she could now feel pushing back against it.


Her voice was raspy and heavy with need.

A moment or two later, the familiar fullness that came with a ready-to-deliver egg returned. She withdrew the toy and immediately went to roll her clit in hopes of rekindling the pleasure she'd felt before.

She was on her knees with a few swift movements, her ample hips and ass in the air with her upper half supported by a shoulder and some conveniently well-placed pillows.

Still working her shaft, she tensed up, feeling the egg slide forward. This one was far easier to handle, but just as hard on that sensitive little spot inside her. More whines and heavy breaths left her, causing her chest to heave and the tip of her tail to twitch, batting at the sheets beneath her.

Upon the egg's exit, maybe because of her fingers...and perhaps not, she saw white. She heard her own scream ringing in her ears and felt the warm gush of slick paint her thighs and dampen the sheets.

Somewhere in all of that, she'd coated her own belly, chest, and collarbone with a thick and excessive load from her cock as well, but remembering the exact moment had gone out the window by this point. She flattened her body against the bed, too dazed and sleepy to resist lying in her own mess.

Trying to will herself to get up didn't do much for her. Sleep found her swiftly, something she'd pay for with freezing water, extra detergent, and many spin cycles later.

For now, though, she was content to no longer be full of eggs.



The absolute mental gymnastics I'm going to have to pull when/if I finally draw this woman's reproductive system XD. Also, ik "crowning" is a term used for human baby delivery, but eh...

Imagine her waking up to see that second egg plastered to the wall just beside the TV. Poor girl. /hj

Saturday, July 1, 2023


Avery “Aggie” McAddams


Age:20 years

D.O.B: April 13th

Species: Human

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 127 lbs



Avery didn’t get the chance to know her parents. A plane crash made sure of that. She was only freshly 2 years old at the time and that being the case, she doesn’t remember much from that time. It’s been her and her sister, Alissa for as long as she could remember.

She sometimes wonders what it would’ve been like to have a whole family. Would school have been better? Maybe she wouldn’t have had to see her aunt and her sister argue. Maybe her sister wouldn’t have been kicked out at 18 years and forced to take drastic measures to keep them both off the streets.

She doesn’t know, honestly. However, it hasn’t kept her from trying. With her sister’s encouragement and support and her own brand of stubborn determination, she was able to make it through school and eventually, her first interview and jobs.

Upon graduation, Avery took on more hours to make some money for herself. At the time, she had aspirations of going to college, but they eventually fizzled, giving way to the desire to just find a home where she and her sister were safe.

During that time as well, Avery also found herself playing games in her free time. When she began recording the experience to put on the internet for others to see knew she’d found something she'd enjoy for a very long time. After some wavering here and there, her hobby would blossom into a streaming career. It’s not easy, but it’s fun enough to keep her there through the challenges of the task.

Physical Description

Avery is a diminutive woman with almond brown skin, deep brown (black) eyes, and short raven locks, the longest of which reach the base of her neck. At the front of her pixie cut rests a small strip of red hair, dyed by Avery herself.

She is often seen wearing dark clothes coupled with dark makeup and accessories like collars and wristbands. Her chosen makeup includes eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick and nail polish. She is most often wearing a graphic tee and shorts or a skirt. If it’s not too hot out, she’ll wear pants as well. Dresses are for formal occasions only, as otherwise, she’d constantly worry about it blowing up in the wind or getting snagged on something.






Spells: With the help of the witch hat, Avery gained the power to cast spells. She only knows a few and does even fewer of them correctly, but she’s made it her mission to learn more over time.

Pepper spray: She has pepper spray and she’s not afraid to use it!

Judo: She took self-defense classes with her sister and she’s still got the moves. In fact, they spar every now and then when normal exercise just doesn’t seem all that fun.

Eating: She may be small, but she eats A LOT. Fast metabolism…

Other Details

Avery is often found in the basement streaming games to a fairly large audience when she isn’t practicing magic or sparring with her sister. It’s her passion and she considers it a wonderful privilege to be able to do it for a living.

Avery is the younger sister of the two sisters and she’s very much adored by her older sibling, Alissa.

Keiichi (Prime)

Keiichi Yamamoto(Prime)


Age: 19 years

D.O.B: September 28th

Species: Human

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 169 lbs



- Keiichi is the neighbor of Sawyer’s adoptive family.

Physical Description

Keiichi is a slightly tanned, freckled, muscular red-headed male with brown eyes and a timid smile. His hair is short and fluffy with quite the abundance of cowlicks present.


-Strange looking watch


-Dog treats

-Random bolts and screws

-Car keys

-Credit card

-Reading glasses

-I.D./Driver’s license


Slash:He has a sword that he knows how to use very well.

“Teleportation”: He’s a man of science and as such, he has his science project, the odd looking watch, with him. It helps him do disappearing acts.

Close quarters fighting: He didn’t only train to fight using a sword.

Other Details

- Keii was part of another story where he was the MC. I may try to pick it up again sometime.


This was almost a selfcest fic lol XD

Premise: AU Keiichi and Keiichi have a little heart-to-heart (or something like that) after he catches Keiichi crossdressing using Sawyer...